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Clean install

Sometimes file directories are confusing my hopes here are to clear any confusion up.


The node_modules folder is present in every nodejs application, it contains data relating to each library required to run your application.



This is your main html file, this is where you will add elements and structure your site.



This is the main typescript file that is given to the HTML file, any code you want to use in your HTML file should be exported in this file.


This file is used to specify your apps name, this will impact how the package is used inside the html file.

if the .env APP_NAME is set to myEspruinoApp you can use exported methods in your index.js file like so



.gitignore is a simple file that restricts certain files from going into your git repo, in this case we are removing node_modules, lib, .DS_Store, test-env & .husky/pre-commit.

This can be changed in any way you want without changing functionality. I will however recommend you leave node_modules in here or your git repository will have unnessesary files in it.

package-lock.json & package.json

These files specify what packages, run commands and some basic configuration for your project.

If you dont know much about this file id recommend just leaving it as it.

This includes a simple welcome message with some text explaining how to get started


This file provides the ability to run the project in localhost, it also contains the information to properly build the package into its html and js files when npm run build is run.

You will most likely never need to touch this.